OvR Paintball Day Trip Description:
Calling all OvR Troops; Paint must be fired at each other from behind trees, in bunkers, and across open fields on this day. Come join us for a day out in the brush. We’ll have the run of the place and can play on any field we choose.
We’re heading back to High Velocity paintball fields in Corum, NY for another day of paintball on some of the most fun terrain and unique fields ever assembled.
No experience or skills required. We’re enlisting pro paintball judges and reserving our own fields for a day of “Top Gun” madness. All equipment is included (gun, mask, paint, day pass) all you need to do is sign up and start shooting.
Paintball Day Trip Includes:
• Day trip out of the city and out to the fields
• All field ticket at High Velocity
• Charter Bus round trip transportation
• Rental gun & mask(if needed/no extra cost), paint, & professional organized play
• Discount Rental Opportunities for Camo jumpsuits & other accessories
• Post Play BBQ, Drinks, and time to share glory stories / unwind before departure…
• One Hell of a good time!!!
Paintball Day Trip Rates: