Park Affair: Sun’s out, Guns out

It may be 60 degrees in New York City, but we’re not letting a little sunshine stop us from hitting Park
Affair in a few weeks. Last year, the OVR girls were out in full effect, and we’re back for round 2 on April 2-3 at
Mount Snow’s Carinthia Parks.

For the ladies who haven’t heard the word on Park Affair –White Flag, Mascara Militia, Burton, and OVR are coming together to make sure that you can get your east coast shred on. Whether it’s your first day in the park or you’re looking to take your skillz to the next level, this event is all about pushing your own boundaries and each other to progress…and of course, meet some other bad ass ladies in the process.

While we all love the guys for always having our backs on the mountain, sometimes the girls just need a minute before they try and send it off that jump…because I’m really not trying to get that VIP access to the ER. Ya feel me? Events, like Park Affair, are for us to make sure that we don’t let fear get the better of us. So, by the end of weekend, every lady should be channeling their inner Santigold, because I know I’m “so legit I don’t quit when I fall.”

To check out clips from last year’s event, click here.